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Trinket Box Item #EB-TR-6082 Santa Claus Ringing Bell
Approximate Size: 3" tall

This box is for decorative use only.
NOT A TOY- Keep out of children's reach.

Returnable in accordance with store polices. Each box is sold separately unless noted in the description text. Different views along with measurements are provided to help you determine actual size. Pendants, if included, are not shown to size and are for adult use only. Items arrive boxed. Sorry, flowers are not included.

Trinket Box | Santa Claus Ring Bell

Santa Claus Ringing Bell hinged lid trinket box with magnet closure.

Bumble's Price: $40.00 each

Generally ships in about 2-10 Days
PLUS delivery time to you.

Shipping Information:
USA Delivery- Most orders ship via
insured USPS Priority Mail